Decreased muscle mass

What is decreased muscle mass?

Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by loss of skeletal muscle tissue, muscle strength, and physical function. It typically develops with aging, but other factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, and diseases can accelerate muscle loss at any age.

Some key signs of decreased muscle mass include:

Skeletal muscle helps maintain strength, metabolism, mobility, and posture - so all of those areas suffer when you lose muscle. Over time, sarcopenia can limit your independence and quality of life.

Who gets decreased muscle mass?

While sarcopenia worsens with age, even young adults can experience muscle loss if they live a very sedentary lifestyle or have medical issues. Contributing factors include:


Strength training with weights helps prevent and treat loss of muscle mass.

What can you do about decreased muscle mass?

The good news is that proper exercise and nutrition can prevent, treat, and even reverse some sarcopenia. Key strategies include:

I hope this overview gave you a better understanding of what causes decreased muscle mass and how it can be addressed. Don't write off sarcopenia as an inevitable part of aging - take proactive steps to maintain your strength, energy, and vitality for years to come! Renewal Hormone Clinic' expert physicians can help you optimize muscle health safely and effectively.

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